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About Me



My name is Aadil Shah, and this is a little about me. I created this website to showcase all my work - my thought process, design works, models and my journey in the architectural field. 

Reflective Statement 


The character of a space is determined by its purpose and function, and it can elicit a range of emotions, from feelings of safety and security to a sense of confinement. People are influenced by space, and it can impact their behaviour and emotional state. I am a third culture individual who has lived in the UK, growing up in Kenya, and is ethnically Indian. Through this lens, I have been exposed to a variety of identities that spaces and people create.

During my Part 1 RIBA architecture studies, I learned that people and space are essential factors in shaping my design, using a holistic design approach. To overcome the restrictions imposed by a site, I begin by examining the context of the location, including the existing built and natural environment and the emotions it may evoke in people. This approach has allowed me to develop a deeper understanding of architectural styles, materiality, and personality, which have contributed to my identity as an architect.

Through my work on a range of projects during my project in Italy, internships in Kenya, and my university in the UK, I have encountered the complexity of culture, unique styles, laws, and the creative process involved in generating ideas. My experience working in firms and on construction sites has furthered my understanding of the materials, people, and spaces that architects must consider to ensure human comfort. My portfolio is a reflection of my architectural journey, illustrating how I have applied my knowledge of place identity and technical strategies to create innovative design solutions.

My understanding of architecture is constantly evolving, and I believe that architects must address both social and environmental issues while anticipating and adapting to future trends to create modern, innovative design solutions. As such, I am excited to continue advancing my skills and knowledge as an architect and to apply my expertise in developing these solutions.

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